Un peu dans l'idée du deck de Grtll mais sensiblement différent, voici un deck EUROPEEN (c'est assez rare de voir leurs decklists) qui a gagné un Deputy au Danemark mais en présence de joueurs du meta allemands et suédois (qui ont des bases de joueurs solides). Donc un deck crédible ou en tous cas un environnement crédible européen.
Eagle Warden (une combo? Un outfit !)
Starting with 3 wealth, 1 income and 4 influence
Cards up to Ghost Town
2016 Deputy
♠ Spades (* starting posse) (17)
1x 3 Funtime Freddy
1x 3 Kabeda Hakurei
1x 3 Mazatl
1x 3 Ramiro Mendoza
1x 4 John "Aces" Radcliffe
1x 4 Joseph Dusty Hill
1x 4 Marcia Ridge
1x 4 The Brute
1x 6 Bobo
1x 6 Jim Cheveyo
1x 6 Lydia Bear-Hands
1x 6 Willa Mae MacGowan
1x 7 Mariel Lewis*
1x 8 Enapay*
1x 9 Zachary Deloria*
1x Q Nicodemus Whateley
1x Q Rico Rodegain*
♣ Clubs (15)
3x 3 Sun in Yer Eyes
1x 3 The Stakes Just Rose
4x 4 Coachwhip!
4x 6 Hot Lead Flyin'
3x 7 Kidnappin'
♦ Diamonds (9)
1x 3 Hustings
1x 3 Notary Public
1x 3 The Orphanage
1x 3 Yan Li's Tailoring
1x 4 B & B Attorneys
1x 4 Town Council
1x 6 Flint's Amusements
1x 6 Killer Bunnies Casino
1x 6 The Place
♥ Hearts (11)
4x 3 Turtle's Guard
2x 4 Faithful Hound
1x 4 Tusk
4x 6 Mountain Lion Friend
Jokers (2)
1x Joker (black)
1x Joker (red)
Managed to go undefeated at the Copenhagen Deputy tournament where we were thrilled to have participants from both Germany and Sweden.
The deck is highly inspired by Kollats Warden Blokade, but builds on attrition through the new Turtle's Guard and sidekicks. When the deck gets going it performs really well, but the main issue is definitely economy. Starting only 3gr, when loosing lowball and with 2 upkeep, you need to see a deed early to be able to recover if needed or play sidekicks. Luckily you start with very good dudes and opponents should always think twice before engaging you with a hand full of good actions.
Game vs. Morgan Hex Control He never got enough hexes on the table and combined with a brass bullet start and much weaker draw structure. Game ended when the shooting was inevitable.
Game vs. 108 SF Desires Fu Didn't really know if I should expect HLF, so started Willa so only 2gr left. Meaning I hard played a card other then actions. But he attacked with solo dudes and used the Rabbit Fu to get my bullets low, but my draw structure pulled throu with help from Coachwhip!. The SF didn't come together and the game was Eagles.
Game vs. 108 Desires a lots of brass bullets.. This deck was a never ending flood of cheap dudes that kept kidnappin me and shooting hard. Coachwhip! saved my butt more then ones and not being able to split up for the fear of his evil brass dudes with 4 Kidnappin' and 4 [Election Day Slaughter] (/en/card/04021), the game went to time where my solid inf wardens took the tiebreaker. This game could easily have been lost.
Game vs. ... 108 Desires (getting used to losing lowball by now..) For some reason this game is very blurred to me, sorry. I remember this game as a kind of Mexican standoff until I managed to kidnap Longwei Fu, who was blockading my Yan Li's Tailoring. Later the game went to time and he felt he had to shoot hard and couldn't get throu the wall of attrition.
Game vs blessed Crusaders. Had a bad feeling about this game, expecting Holy Roller and Rico spotted No Funny Stuff in his hand. Luckily he felt confident when Erik Samson was swinging his Jael's Guile high.. He played No Funny Stuff and I shuffled 5 cards - he flipped not 1 but both my Hot Lead Flyin'. sad face In the end, the solo Samson died anyway. Unfortunately for the blessed, he still felt he wouldn't wait for the holy rollers and later HLF finished the game all to early. This was btw, the only game where Hot Lead Flyin' made a difference. I only ever played it one time in all the other 4 games, I think.
Overall, this is a really fun deck to play and when you get the economy up, I feel it has answers to a lot of the decks played atm. I don't even think you need HLF. It just fits the structure so well, but maybe other sidekick values could be better?..